We constantly buy deciduous and coniferuous paletwood logs
We value the loyalty and cousistency of our Suppliers!
Prices from 23 December until 17 Februar 2025:
Deciduous logs 63 EUR/m3
Coniferous logs 66 EUR/m3
For guantities over 150 m3/ 30 - 45 days, for FSC 100% cerified wood - paid Plus 1 - 2 Eur/m3 !
White alder logs 55 Eur/m3
Coniferous logs without bark and with color changes 55 Eur/m3
Broken logs 10 Eur/m3
Unlouding- 24 hours a day without holidays.
We can unload loggers from Monday to Friday, from 5:00 to 23:00
Precise guantity measurement by automated sorting line.
The logs must meet general requirement such as:
- Diameter in the thin end without bark from 14 cm to 26 cm;
- 12 - 13 cm - lower price- minus 10 Eur/m3,
more than 26 cm - minus 25 Eur/m3
- Types of wood: coniferuous: spruce, pine, desiduous : birch, alder, aspen, linden;
- Length: 2,4m, + 10cm overlap;
- Without double curvature;
- Single curvature up to 5%;
- Without rotting, creeping, well- grooved branches - up to 2cm long;
- Deadwood - only without bruises, longitudinal cracks, beetle worm - holes
- Impurities of metals and other solids are not permitted.
The selling party has to provide all the required purchasing documentation, including documents confirming ownership of the property and authorization to conduct the logging.
Before submitting the first lot of wood, it is necessary to coordinate with the representative of JSC Volimeda:
Mr. Aurelijus Žilėnas (in charge of purchases)
E-mail: azholz@gmail.com and aurelijus@volimeda.lt ; mobile phone : +370 698 27917
Mrs. Adelė Paulauskienė, Director
E-mail: ada@volimeda.lt ; mobile phone: +370 616 39354
Transport services
Volimeda is interested in transportation services in Lithuania, Germany, the Netherlands and Latvia.
For more information on the volume, potential destinations and pricing please contact:
Mrs. Adelė Paulauskienė (in charge of logistics)
E-mail: : ada@volimeda.lt ; mobile phone +370 616 39354